Video Tuition
Discover and be guided to a fascinating hobby and passion.
Quality video tuition recorded in my studio in Nelson / New Zealand.
Total of 5 hours tuition based on 19 years of teaching experience in my workshops!
I also offer live tuition via Skype or Facebook Messenger video!
Please note that all prices on the website are in US dollars and will be charged in US dollars
on paypal page. This is because US dollars is the most recognized currency for online purchases.
Payapl will convert you US dollar payment into your local currency.
Check out the Shop section!
Sample clip of Foundation Class part, 2.5 hours total.
Sample clip of Master Class part, over 2 hours total.
Note: I used to offer these as DVD sets as well, however production cost of DVDs in small runs like these and shipping cost have become prohibitively high. This is exactly the same content at a cheaper price and fastest possible delivery. You will receive a digital download link for the set you have purchased and not physical DVDs.
Available as digital download files.
High Definition video quality, great lesson, lots of techniques, tips & tricks giving you a great range of skill sets!
The Foundation Class will give you a great start into this amazing hobby!
The Masterclass will take you further and into more intricate and fascinating designs like the ‘twist’ and elegant lashing techniques as well as giving more great tool and workshop setup tips!

I am convinced that they are the best investment you can make to get you on the way into this fascinating hobby and avoiding spending money on unnecessary things as well as frustrating errors….!
My idea was to create video tuition that ‘I wish I would have had when I started out!’…!
Order both together at a special offer price, the complete “The Foundation & The Masterclass”, that’s 5 hours of HD quality tuition!
Note: I used to offer these as DVD sets as well, however production cost of DVDs in small runs like these and shipping cost have become prohibitively high. This is exactly the same content at a cheaper price and fastest possible delivery.
You will receive a digital download link for the set you have purchased and not physical DVDs.
"I recently purchased the Master Class DVD set and am very pleased with the information on each DVD. Although I've been carving for a couple of years, the DVDs showed me techniques that I would have never figured out on my own. I also found the guidance very helpful. I'm looking forward to trying my first twist."
Paul Stockford, Cave Creek, Arizona, USA
"Stephan's bone carving dvds covers a great variety of information in exceptionally clear prose. Excellent for a beginner like me with no carving skills. The 4 dvds "The Foundation" & "The Masterclass" provided excellent advice to get me started. I highly recommend these DVDs to anyone interested in learning how to do bone carving."
Oliver Dundang, Auckland, NZ
"The DVD set is a great resource for the casual carver or someone looking to go pro.
I liked the DVDs so much that I decided to travel to Nelson to take Stephan's class in person.
I can wholeheartedly recommend the video or live class!"
Patrick, Bruceville, Texas, USA
"The DVD gives the beginner a very clear and orderly teaching tool to embark on their own learning of bone carving art. I especially appreciate the focus on safety and would add a respirator (like one you can purchase at a hardware store) to the list of vital equipment. I found the sections that divide the steps into clear learning techniques very helpful and easy to refer back to as questions arouse when I started my project. Thanks for sharing your talent and skills with others."
Caroline Friedman, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
"Regardless of ability or skill at bone carving, the set of DVD's 'Create your own Bone Carving' The Foundation & The Masterclass , presented as a 4 disc set by Stephan Gilberg is a 'Must Have' for any aspiring carver !!!
Very well presented by Stephan, easy to understand, excellent emphasis on safety. Even though I have been carving for awhile many tips have allowed me to build on the skills I already had.
Stephan, I thank you. Trevor / Australia......................... Very best wishes Trev."
"Stephan Gilberg takes an old world skill and turns it into an artform that anyone with desire can learn. His step by step instructions and attention to detail empower the novice and advanced carver to achieve success. The video is clear and easy to understand yet provides detail to enhance every skill level. He takes no short cuts and his passion for excellence is displayed in every video."
Frankie C, Miami, Florida
"Your DVD's have been a great help in getting me started bone carving. I wish I had bought them before I had started buying tools and equipment. The content in the DVD's is enough to understand the basic steps in completing a nice project. In six months time I will be on one of the outer islands of Fiji teaching bone carving and scrimshaw. Your DVD's will be most useful. I have bought other things on the net, and been disappointed. Not this time. The DVD's are worth all that I paid for them. Thanks." Hob Thompson
“I just purchased the Foundation plus the Master Class DVDs. As a beginning bone carver the Foundation class proved to me that anyone can produce great carvings. The step by step processes on the Foundation DVD was almost fool proof. The initial success you have is so encouraging. As a person with limited mobility this will provide me with years of enjoyment.” Chris Egbert, Columbia, Missouri, USA
"I bought both DVD's hoping to learn the basics of bone-carving. Now a year later, I've been invited to be part of my second local exhibition.
I love how detailed Stephan explains the step by step process of the designs from cleaning the bones to the finished product. It's a total package for the beginner and as I moved through both DVD's, I felt that - with practice - I would be able to make really beautiful pieces. I love my new hobby! I've been able to give beautiful pieces to friends and family and now I'm slowly moving into making a little bit of money from it. Thank you, Stephan. The DVD's were a small price to pay in rekindling my artistic side!. Kiki, New Zealand"
"I received the Master tutorial disks today. I watched both of them and found them very informative. I have only been carving for a few months and needed a teaching format like yours to help me with my new venture. They sure make bone carving easier to understand. I can't wait to get started making the twist. All the best! Ed McShea"